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we will be constantly adding to this list to help you in your career search.

We love Coursera! If you are looking for continued education in your field or are seeking to cross the path into another - Coursera is a resource you need to check out. Build job-relevant, in-demand skills by learning with experts from world-class companies and universities.

This awesome platform leets users rate their skill and knowledge levels in 40 key workplace areas, then it provides a list of careers that match those ratings.

Career development centers

Did you know that beyond college career development centers, there are city based ones as well? Research your town's career development center, they may provide free to low cost career search services like resume reviews, interviewing skills, prepping for panel interviews and so much more!

The rate of employment of visually impaired individuals has been steadily increasing, but more opportunities need to be made for these highly qualified and skilled individuals to enter the workforce. Check out our partners at NVISION and their advice on Career Options for the Visually Impaired.

polish up your linkedin

LinkedIn has made so many developments over the past couple of years. They have sections within your profile to add skills attained at each role and direct links to e-certifications so potential employers can view your credentials in real time! 

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